The Lego Movie Builds a Franchise

I wrote an article recently about how I thought Lego’s were losing a construction war with Minecraft. Lego has stepped up to the plate with The Lego Movie and knocked it out of the park.

Being a college student who spent most of his childhood with the multicolored blocks, I went into the movie with low expectations. I didn’t want all of my childhood memories to be ruined by a poorly made licensed movie. Movies like Battleship did not give me much hope for the quality. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised.

Lego movie poster

The movie has a great sense of humor and appeals to both children and adults. The jokes hit all the right notes. And of course there were so many puns. There was only one joke that I thought didn’t work, but within five seconds I was already laughing again. The non-stop laughs, charm, and heart in the movie make it a must see for anyone who has ever played with Legos. The story is a bit predictable near the end, but that didn’t stop me from loving it.

The movie is worth the price to laugh with others in a theater. My concern is that the franchise will keep pumping out movies until it reaches the same direct to video fate that many Disney movie sequels and the Pokemon movies reached. The sequel is on its way, but I think that the movie stands well on its own. If the franchise can find a new compelling story to tell, I will go to the theater to see it. I’ve already pre-ordered the blu-ray of The Lego Movie and can’t wait to watch it again.